Tailor-made music production
At Colector Productions, musical composition and production is carried out for labels and audiovisual media, as well as for our own labels at Colector Music Group.
Our goal is to promote artists based on artistic sensitivities and market trends at a national and international level.

CollectorProductions offers fully bespoke music production for composers and artists.

We have all the necessary tools to be able to make the vision of the musical piece a reality, and execute the work collaboratively.

The work methodology consists of letting the songs grow according to their needs and without forgetting the open vision of the artist.
Music creation from A to Z
Specialized in the creation of melodic and/or harmonic lines.
Starting from a melody and/or harmony provided by the client, the service of correction and development of musical lines suitable for a certain market, need or requirement is offered.
Creation of melodies and/or harmonies from a harmonic rhythmic base or simply with a basic musical idea.
Letter composition
With a simple description of what the client wants to express through his music or work, a complete lyric composition service is offered for all types of songs.
our studio
Unique space to
Recording studio with quality music technology, above current market standards.
One of the few recording studios in the world capable of recording simultaneously with NEVE, SSL and API; the great "colors" of the market.
Know more
Song development from its starting point to the end
A partir de una maqueta en su formato más básico, directamente de un sello discográfico, una editorial o un artista, se hacen los ajustes necesarios para darle cabida a nivel musical.
Musical, harmonic and/or melodic tweaks to achieve the desired musical style for marketing.
Creation of a mock-up with virtual instruments and first voice recordings for the client's approval.
With the approval of the model, execution of everything related to recording the instruments, also making artistic touches.
The best professionals
Our team has more than ten years of experience, which leads us to approach projects in a fresh and unlimited way. We understand each new song or composition as a place where one can experience any corner and exploit every idea.
Do you have a composition or song in mind? Let us accompany you and make it happen

Collector Productions is part of the Collector Music Group
All rights reserved 2022
Art direction and web design: Buo Design Studio